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Leyte Gulf: A New History of the World’s Largest Sea Battle

Mark E. Stille

A fascinating re-examination of the battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest naval encounter in history and probably the most decisive naval battle of the entire Pacific War, and one that saw the Imperial Japanese Navy eliminated as an effective fighting force and forced to resort to suicide tactics. Leyte was a huge and complex action, actually consisting of four major battles, each of which are broken down in detail in this book, using original sources. The plans of both sides, and how they dictated the events that followed, are also examined critically.
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A fascinating re-examination of the battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest naval encounter in history and probably the most decisive naval battle of the entire Pacific War, and one that saw the Imperial Japanese Navy eliminated as an effective fighting force and forced to resort to suicide tactics. Leyte was a huge and complex action, actually consisting of four major battles, each of which are broken down in detail in this book, using original sources. The plans of both sides, and how they dictated the events that followed, are also examined critically. So much of the accepted wisdom of the battle has developed from the many myths that surround it, myths that have become more firmly established over time. In this new study, Pacific War expert Mark Stille examines the key aspects of this complex battle with new and insightful analysis and dismantles the myths surrounding the respective actions and overall performances of the two most important commanders in the battle, and the "lost victory" of the Japanese advance into Leyte Gulf that never happened.

ISBN: 9781472851758
Format: Hardback
Author(s): Mark E. Stille
First Publishment Date: 08 June 2023
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Author(s) Mark E. Stille
Customer Reviews
  1. This is the most up-to-date and likely to be lasting overall study of the Leyte Gulf
    Incorporating revelations of the latest published works and nautical archaeology, this is the most up to date and likely to be lasting overall study of the Leyte Gulf actions in one accessible account.

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  2. “This work rises smartly above the massive literature on the Battle of Leyte Gulf with its concise yet very sophisticated narrativ
    “This work rises smartly above the massive literature on the Battle of Leyte Gulf with its concise yet very sophisticated narrative and, above all, analysis.… I can think of no other work that is at once so accessible and so comprehensive in probing the endless complexities of this titanic clash.

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