Kitchener's Last Volunteer

Kitchener's Last Volunteer

Man of War - Officer, Adventurer, Agent

Man of War - Officer, Adventurer, Agent


A B Demaus

Before William Stanley Lambert became a cadet in 1883, he had already sailed 44,890 miles round the world in a childhood voyage that took him two years to complete. He returned to England determined to pursue a career in the Royal Navy. His letters home from the service, assiduously compiled by A. B Demaus, record the experience of a capable, ambitious cadet during a time of rapid technological change and relative peace
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Before William Stanley Lambert became a cadet in 1883, he had already sailed 44,890 miles round the world in a childhood voyage that took him two years to complete. He returned to England determined to pursue a career in the Royal Navy.


His letters home from the service, assiduously compiled by A. B. Demaus, record the experience of a capable, ambitious cadet during a time of rapid technological change and relative peace. The Navy's task of protecting the empire's vast assets had not been interrupted by a major war since Nelson's day. Lambert's sea service, virtually all of which was overseas, involved time in two corvettes, an ironclad central battery ship, two cruisers, and a battleship.


In his later career, he became the commanding officer of one of the earliest destroyers. He vividly describes the shipboard life and 'runs ashore' in an account laced with a splendidly dry sense of humour - a familiar feature of naval officers of his rank

ISBN: 9781848683051
Format: Paperback
Author(s): A B Demaus
First Publishment Date: 20 November 2003