Favourite of Fortune - Captain John Quilliam, Trafalgar Hero

Favourite of Fortune - Captain John Quilliam, Trafalgar Hero

How to Lose the Information War

How to Lose the Information War

First U-Boat Flotilla

Lawrence Paterson

Formed in 1935, 1st U-Boat Flotilla operated against Hitler's enemies from the very earliest stage of the War through to September 1944 when disbanded amid the flames of Brest (its operating base) during the US siege. Many of the top German naval figures feature in this authoritative history including Karl Donitz, Otto Kretschemmer, Joachim Schepke and Erich Topp. The Flotilla took part in most major operations; the invasions of Norway, Belgium and France and the all-important Battle of the Atlantic. Over 75% of operational U-Boats were lost as the Allies' counter-measures and code-breaking successes took ever greater effect. This fascinating work records the Flotilla's successes and disasters in detail.
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Formed in 1935, 1st U-Boat Flotilla operated against Hitler's enemies from the very earliest stage of the War through to September 1944 when disbanded amid the flames of Brest (its operating base) during the US siege. Many of the top German naval figures feature in this authoritative history including Karl Donitz, Otto Kretschemmer, Joachim Schepke and Erich Topp. The Flotilla took part in most major operations; the invasions of Norway, Belgium and France and the all-important Battle of the Atlantic. Over 75% of operational U-Boats were lost as the Allies' counter-measures and code-breaking successes took ever greater effect. This fascinating work records the Flotilla's successes and disasters in detail.

ISBN: 9781399013420
Format: Paperback
Author(s): Lawrence Paterson
First Publishment Date: 30 August 2021